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Bobbi Boss 13x5 HD Scalp Illusion Synthetic Lacefront Wig  - MLF473 Tarren Reviewed By Chuchitrain - Beauty Exchange Beauty Supply

Hey what's up bx babes we're gonna hop right into this one we have our HD ultra scalp illusion Bobbi boss boss lace in the color F4/2730 this is MLF471 Darcy I'm just showing you guys the call tag this is how the hair comes out of the package it's curly in the front like pin curls and then straight in the back this wig gives me very much going to work quick um everyday wig that you can put on and looks very, very natural the texture is like a yaki texture but the hair is not hard or crunchy at all this is the lace it has the like a silk lace inside the double lace so that you don't have to wear a cap.

So the inside of the wig is the basic wig cap nothing too special we have two clips in the front and a clip in the back and of course we have our adjustable straps um my head is pretty large I feel like it's pretty large and the frontal part of the wig definitely fit me awesome I even had some space left to spare honey that is rare for me so yeah right here I'm just putting it on and I'm going to show you guys how deep the parting is this wig is absolutely beautiful it has a lot of bounce and a lot of curls and definitely something that I would you know have handy if need be something quick to put on and easy to go you can just come and look at that part like wow like that's a super deep part you can do so many different styles with this wig

And I'm just showing you guys you can do a side part remember we only have like that 4x4 parting space so you couldn't do a deep side part but you definitely could do a side part um in that area and of course your middle part would be awesome straight down to the back super deep and nice with the HD lace so in a minute I'm going to show you guys how I'm going to install and I didn't even use any makeup on this lace because it is HD if you didn't know HD is high definition lace that lace matches to any skin color so right here I'm just showing you like I'm just playing with it seeing different styles that I want to do and I'm showing you guys how it looks before I pluck it.

so I'm back and I plucked it a little I'm going to show you guys how I pluck it I didn't really go too in on this side because it has such a small parting space right there but if you wanted to you can go in and cut that scalp that they put inside of the wig to have a little bit more space so basically I'm gonna part off what would be the baby hairs if you choose to do baby hairs I'm not doing baby hairs because we got HD lace baby so I'm just parting off some hairs in the front and then I'm just gonna rake my tweezer from the front of my hair to the back of the hair and in a pinching motion.

So after I'm done I just took my wig brush and I combed all that extra hair out so as you can see it was a bit good amount of hair you know so you definitely can get good with the customization with this one because you have the HD lace and you do have that extra parting space in the middle as well as on the sides so i just pinned up the hair so it's a little bit easier for me to cut the lengths and the hair will be flapping all over my face etc.

So again guys this is a HD lace frontal wig synthetic Darcy MLF471 by Bobbi boss the lace is so super soft you know sometimes synthetic lace itches your skin and it's just irritating you just itchy girl but this one is not itchy at all it's smooth I could literally wear this wig all day I could go to sleeping this week like that's how comfortable the lace is like look at that y'all it's laid already we didn't even do nothing we just got the lace so this is the power this is the trick of the HD lace it literally blends to your skin like get into it real quick hold up you see me.

So right here I'm just cutting off the ear tabs I just went exactly where my ear meets on the side of my face and I just pulled it off because I'm really not trying to cut any hairs and I'm going to do the same thing to this side just going to cut right there at the crease just enough so that I'll be able to get a good tearing and then we're just going to rip it and we're done I'm just going to go back and go through the rest of the pieces on the lace that I didn't cut and I'll take my got to be glue freeze spray and I'm going to spray a little bit on my finger I'm just going to use that to melt in the lace without having to put so so much product on my lace conserve the lace ladies don't be over doing it with all the product and stuff we just need a little bit a little bit goes a long way so I just put it on my finger and then um if you want to you can take your blow dryer and set it in but just doing that little bit is good enough especially if you're just putting it on for a quick amount of time like I am so I'm going to go ahead and comb off the hair it's a beautiful y'all like Darcy girl sweetie doing your thing.

This wig comes in many other colors such as 1 ,1b, 2 ,4 ,6 13 1b ,30, f4/ 2730 which is the color that I have on 613, 627 ,1b turquoise blue ,m299j 1b burgundy, and number 4 in bb pink so again you guys see how I did the side parts this week is a 13x5 frontal synthetic lace HD wig it's the options for me like we have 13x5 we have HD we have the kinky texture hair it's getting very much natural.

So right here I'm just giving myself a little bit of a sideburn so that um this part of the lace can kind of adhesive to my skin with some help I'm gonna take the gots to be spray and i just tapped it with my finger like I showed you guys before I took my cuticle scissors and I'm just going to hit a little baby swoop that's all that's it just to keep it down on this side and that's if I was bringing it to a side part so this is the side part final look this is my favorite look I would wear it like this if I were to wear this out I also really like the push back like oh get into the bangs we need yes.

So one last time do you guys see this HD lace honey oh get into it no makeup anyways this is the middle part it's the curls and the straight ends very cute super easy go to style middle part and it's giving it's getting what we're supposed to gave and that's just on that.

Okay guys this is it I hope you guys enjoyed the tutorial make sure you guys check out the Bobbi boss synthetic HD lace wig in MLF47 Darcy and make sure you guys shop at your local beauty exchange and visit

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