Hi guys and welcome back to my channel I feel like it's been a minute since I posted a video but today we are back and I'm here with another synthetic wig review so today's wig is from beauty exchange they sent me this outré perfect hairline fully hand tied 13x6 lace wig and the name is Ariella and the color is in cinnamon/mocha so as you can see it's just this brown curly wig and it has like kind of light brown um highlights in the front um it's pretty long it reaches like mid back um there is no length on here but I would say it's about 20, 22 inches um it's pretty long.
But yeah so this is what the hair looks like installed you guys are going to see me install it but first I just wanted to talk a little bit about the hair and show you guys the packaging and what not so you guys have already kind of seen the box this is what it came in um it just has you know the name is transparent HD lace I did not do any plucking on this wig first of all so that says a lot because this looks really really good and I've always been scared of like curly synthetic wigs because I never knew how they would look or how I would be able to like refresh the curls but I had no issues with this wig um you guys will see as you continue with the video.
But yeah as I said this is the name Ariella there are obviously a number of different colors that you can choose from besides this um brown color that I have in my head but um on the box I just want to show you guys what it looks like so the back it just explains what it is perfect hairline fully hand tied 13x6 frontal this is a frontal wig um ear to ear transparent lace natural baby hairs um it comes with a pre-attachment a pre-attached elastic band yes it does I also talked about that later in the video um pre-plucked hairline as I just said I did not do any plucking um and it's heat friendly so if you wanted to add some heat to this you know how it comb it , straighten it whatever blow dry it you can do that and then it just shows you what the unit looks like on the inside pictures of it and I'm just gonna open it up really quick.
So this is where the wig was but um I also like the back of this a lot because it has a care guide and also a step-by-step of how to apply the wig so it just shows you what to do to take care of the wig to maintain the wig which is really really helpful I even had to look at it because as I said I've never had a curly synthetic wig but it shows you exactly what to do and then it has a step-by-step if you need it and i just think that it's very helpful I just wanted to show you guys the packaging because I thought it was very nice and cute.
But yeah I just applied the wig today so I can't give like a lengthy review all I can say is you know how it's been for the last couple hours but I really like it it is super cute um I'm about to take some pictures in it because yeah but yeah I love the color I like the pattern only thing I will say is again I say this in all my synthetic wig videos it's just tangling and especially because it's curly I feel like there's a lot more tingling but it is still a good and affordable wig I believe this wig is like from $40.00 to $50.00 like no more than $50.00 which is amazing for how it looks.
Um I'll do like a little turn show you guys the back that's what it's giving it's pretty big um but I kind of like that so if you guys want to see how I\ actually applied this wig from beauty exchange just continue watching the video give this video a like before you even continue and yeah let's get into it.
Hi you guys all right so I probably just did the intro and all of that so we're just going to jump into the video um I apologize for this setup you guys I am in a different dorm than I was before and it's just been a struggle and that's really a part of why I haven't really been um filming as much because yeah but we're just gonna get into it um bear with me.
Um so first my hair was already braided back because I had on my wig before this so my hair is already braided back and then this is just the same cap um I didn't do the bald cap method I never really do um I just put on a cap regularly and I put some makeup on it the makeup is kind of fading away but that is okay and after I've put in my tint and also sprayed it with the got to be I'm just going to take my blow dryer and let it dry for a few seconds because this stuff is wet so we're just going to blow dry it real fast.
All right now that it's all blow dried we are just going to plop it on our head that's what the lace is looking like right now don't mind the little dots but the hairline looks pretty good un plucked to be a synthetic wig but we're going to see what it looks like once it's on so I'm just going to plop this on my head oh yeah and also there are these little adjustable thingy so not only do you have the elastic band and the clips you also have these little um adjustable things that you can latch on to the hooks in the back so yeah but I'm just gonna put this on.
You guys the hairline looks really good like untouched I'm not even gonna lie like that looks really good and then this is the hair.
It's cute I don't know if I want to do a side or a middle part with this it's giving side I feel like middle part like when I have middle part curly hair I feel like I look like I want to be Beyoncé or something.
But okay yeah this looks really nice I honestly may not pluck it so I can just show y'all that effortless clapping on and go look I don't even think I'm gonna pluck you like it really looks it looks good without it and it's really snug on my head it's not too small it's not too big we just obviously have to cut these um little sides so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to part out where my ear is and it's not that much hair than or that much lace that needs to be cut off and I'm just going to take my scissors and cut that.
All right that's the first ear tab literally that's all the lace that I just cut off like it really does fit nicely on my head.
I think I'm gonna do a side part we love a good side part yeah it's giving side but all right now that we have cut off the ear tabs it is time to lay our lace of course um so I'm just gonna lift that up and I'm not gonna use any glue or anything I don't usually use um lace glue I just take this um the black uh got to be and I have a really small bottle right now I need to go get like a regular sized one but I just use this and my got to be spray and yeah.
So what I like to do first is just take a little bit of the black bottle of the got to be and I just like to put dots along my hairline rub it in and I like to do two layers of that so I'm going to take two layers.
And then again we're gonna take our blow dryer on low heat and I'm just going to let this dry a little bit and let it get tacky.
Once it's a little bit tacky I'm going to take two layers of the got to be spray and I'm just going to do the same thing just spray and then spread with my fingers.
Alright and once it is good and tacky um I'm just gonna pull this down and lay it down.
And I'm gonna take a comb and kind of press it into the glue that we just laid down.
And also during this part I like to take some more got to be and put it right on the hairline we're going to comb that in comb it through and I'm also going to add a little mousse and comb it through and once I'm done with that I'm just going to take my scarf and apply it right on the hairline and we're just going to let that sit in.
Usually I part my hair to this side but I just recently had a curly wig on and it was parted to this side so I think I actually like this side I'm not gonna lie.
And y'all look at the parting it looks so good like that oh no that looks like scalp like the parting is really really nice and this is a 13x4 frontal so you can literally part it anywhere like it's a frontal you can do middle either side but we're going to take it over here to this side.
Hey you guys the mousse I'm using is the lotta body um mousse I feel like a lot of people already know about this but you know the coconut and shea oils wrap meat foaming mousse um the next thing we really need to focus on is just defining these curls because they've obviously gotten a little bit messed up in this whole process so we're gonna figure it out so first I'm just I'm not gonna comb through it but I'm just gonna take my fingers and kind of like try to detangle it that way.
All right so now that I have it um kind of detangled out just with my fingers what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take a spray bottle and apply some water and then I'm also going to apply some mousse and do the same finger through thing and hopefully that works.
All right so this is what the hair looks like after I've applied some water and some mousse I don't really know if you made that much of a difference but I kind of feel like it did a little bit let's see what it's looking like y'all again the hairline looks really , really good it does so I'm just going to cut this lace and as y'all can see i said it's really snug on my head like the lace is like right on my head but um we're just going to start cutting the lace I'm just going to use some regular scissors I just went down the middle and then I'm going to take my little eyebrow razor and cut off the rest of the lace.
So now that that's all cut off I know you guys can see like a white cast but we're gonna get that together so first um I'm just going to part out my edges.
I'm just taking this fit me um powder foundation and I just have like a regular angled brush and I'm just going to kind of try to blend it into my skin just a little bit more now for the last time I'm just going to put on my scarf and let my edges sit in and marinate.
All right you guys so once I took off um the scarf this is what it looks like this is what it's giving it's super cute the lace looks really good and you guys as you all saw I did not pluck a thing I literally just put it on refresh the curls um added some edges and that was it and this is what it looks like um I like it uh I love how it came out and again this wig is from beauty exchange so check the description box for the link to this wig and definitely visit beauty exchange for this wig and many more cute wigs like it affordable and cute I should say.
And yeah um this is the finished product thank you guys for watching this video of course like this video comment and subscribe if you haven't already also click the notification bell to get notified whenever I post a video um and yeah visit beauty exchange again link will be in the description box and I will see you guys in the next video bye.