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Shake N Go Organique MasterMix Synthetic Weave - Body Wave Reviewed By Amber Emily - Beauty Exchange Beauty Supply


Do I love the unit yes do I love the color yes do I love the length absolutely.

Hey y'all my name is Amber Emily and thank you so much for coming back to my channel if you've been here before and I'm not welcome for the first time all right let's go ahead and jump right into it you know why we're here this gorgeous plum wig for only 30.00 dollars it was sent to me from beauty exchange thank you guys so much you can follow them on Instagram and you can go to the website to buy more items from them they are our online beauty supply store and they also have brick and mortar stores might be in the city near you check them out.

All right so this freedom part lays 402 and I have it in color SR530 from their freetress equal and luxury integration line it is a freedom part lace front okay it says it styles at in any angle let's talk about that first and it says it has baby hairs okay so as far of any angle I'm a middle part girl um it just does not give you enough lace to push back the hair it does not give you enough wiggle room to um to just make it look more natural y'all see how this girl looks on the stock card that's exactly how it looks on your head it looks plopped on there you it's not enough room for manipulation to make it look how you want to look.

Yes you can do baby hairs and the baby hairs of course are a little long  they're always a little longer synthetic units so you just cut it to your desired length that's what I have going on here one thing about the freedom lace their whole selling thing is that you can shift it to be a middle part or a side part okay it shifted to the side part perfectly for me but the middle part was a no go maybe somebody else it might work for you but for me it was not okay okay um no.

Hairline there , there's not there's no hairline there isn't one it's just the hair comes down okay so it has two combs um two combs in the front and one in the back adjustable straps it also has this lovely like grip all the way around the unit and it stops right here um and it has that lovely grip so it is big head friendly and big head associate I did not have my wig grip on and I have it in the last one and there's still plenty of room but that grip makes it just stick in place so I don't have to worry about it moving and that is a big plus for me.

And it is heat safe excuse me I dropped my stock cart it is curling iron safe up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit okay it is 400 degrees so you can curl it I did go in and add some heat right here to the part okay part was a little funky okay I don't know if I can see it but there are these little wispies all throughout the part so I put some got to be on there spray some got to be on there I even had to go back and put a little edge control right there I don't know if you have to see those but they are like so it's so wispy around the part area okay.

Um texture it has a nice texture um it's not human it's silky okay it's a very silky texture I love the curl pattern these curls are so cute I'm just worried that they're gonna stay or not the length y'all see how long this is and I'm 5'9 this is a good 22, 30 inch unit depending on whose head is on y'all it's gorgeous.  the color and the Length and the pattern are my three top favs about this wig the density it's not too thick this is all the hair in the front it's not too thick but it's not too thin I think it's a pretty good density for what you need it for.

And then also cons let's jump over to the cons real quick so there is tangling okay when you part it when you do this y'all see it look at that now my hair is just all tangled so try to keep your hands out of it as much as possible I go back in my wig brush just to bring the curls back to some uniformity back to some type of life okay.

Shedding,  yes it is sheds it is a synthetic unit and I did cut the lace off so of course it's going to shed a little bit but um okay we're over there okay um really that's my only con about it um those are the only kinds of shedding and tangling but y'all is a $30.00 synthetic unit of course you're going to have some different characteristics from synthetic units that you would from your regular human hair unit.

Do I love the unit yes do I love the color yes do I love the length absolutely it's about to be hot girl summer maybe hot girl spring I know spring comes first let's not put the crop before the horse but I am because I'm a summer baby so I'm so excited to have this hair y'all it looks great against my skin color all my brown girls out there like this is a good red like plum um plum wig burgundy wig that you can wear to work like it's not too bright it's not too bright it's just the suitable amount of bright for you to wear it to work if need be I love the curls do not like the shedding and detangling.

Um it says hair care instructions it has them on the back um you can wash it in the sink squeeze it pat it dry with the towel place it on the stand um I think that's about it guys so y'all hit up beauty exchange I will tag them in the description box below so you can know where to purchase this wig also it's thirty dollars did i say that before y'all I love this wig okay from outre so just be ready for the shangling the shedding and the tangling put together just be ready for that other than that hot girl spring here we come okay

Thank you so much for watching my video please like comment subscribe tell me what you think tell me what you know and i would greatly appreciate it until next time love you guys muah !.


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